Monday, December 1, 2014

The dreader of Mondays

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen

Everyone knows she's on her way. She comes around every single week and she is truly hated. When she is around, things go wrong and people are miserable. She is also referred to as 'Fifty shades of blue'. Who is she? Her name is:


Call me Monday Dreader, Kiara the Monday Dreader. Yes, I am also one of THOSE people, who is really not a fan. Monday has a black belt in making your day absolutely miserable. She reminds you that the weekend is truly over and she makes you so positive for new beginnings or things that you want to change during the week. But she always misleads you, because it never happens....

I have an antidote against Monday:
Since I have a three month holiday, I decided to politely give Monday the cold shoulder. Yep, I'm avoiding Monday...

By not getting out of bed, except to scavenge for some food in the house. If she calls on my cellphone or just arrives like she always does, I will just ignore her and forget to answer the phone.

I am Kiara the Monday Dreader, and I shall be ignoring Monday from this day until death releases me from her hell.

I am taking part in the SITS Girls blogging prompts for the month of December. Check it out: 31 days of writing prompts.
Tell me how you feel about Mondays?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think Mondays are quite Awesome because it's the beginning of a new week and new and exciting things can possibly happen to you. I never really believed in Monday blues. You got to make friends with Monday, she is actually not a bad person if you get to know her.