Saturday, May 24, 2014

Why I hate shopping

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen

Today, we braved the dangerous world of malls. I don't get to see the mall a lot and will get a heart attack if I do.

I needed some clothes for the cold winter coming our way here in South-Africa, especially at my university. The gusting winds cuts right through your warm clothes like it's nothing here. Therefore, me and my mom braved the dangerous world called, The Mall (shark music playing in the background).

The reason why it is so horrible, is because my mom and I have different ideas of what clothes would look good on me. I am very difficult and picky about clothes I want to wear, she is not. I would prefer to shop on my own. I also know where to find exactly what I want, I don't want to walk in EVERY SINGLE SHOP. But I am truly grateful for all the beautiful clothes my mom has bought me today:

I also think there should be rules, while shopping in a mall:
  • Keep left, pass right (like the traffic rules)
  • Chats should NOT happen in the middle of the way. Catch up with old friends at coffee shops, please. (Support the economy, while catching up).
  • Yes, you have a trolley. No, you cannot walk with it down an aisle which is the same size.
  • Keep left, pass right!
  • This is not holiday season, walk faster.
  • Strong spiced food are not to be eaten in shops with little to no-ventilation. 
  • Wear suitable clothes. Your sister's clothes is too small for you and not everyone appreciates it to see butts hanging out. 
  • Do not drag your feet. You are here to shop, not to ice skate.
  • When in a queue, allow personal space to the people in front of you. No one wants to smell last nights dinner.
  • Keep left, pass right.
I told my mom that I only want to see the mall again in two years time. Before that, I will wear torn and old clothes.

"The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her." -Marcelene Cox

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