Saturday, November 1, 2014

My bucket list for university

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen

I am final year Communication student at my university and it got me thinking that I have not done everything that I wanted to do here. I still have a year left at my university because I'm going to do a post-graduate course in management, which means I have a year left to complete my bucket list.

My bucket list will only make sense to me and the people studying at this university with me, but I will still share it, because sharing is caring....

  • I want to 'Sokkie' in Impala (It is a dance form, which I want to do in Impala [a bar/pub/dance place])
  • I want to get a tattoo.
  • I want to attend a class, that I am not registered for.
  • I want to hide in the library so that I can spend the night there with friends and watch movies.
  • I want to pull an all-nighter with my amazing friends or someone special or both.
  • I want to go to the roof garden in F1.
  • I want to go to the 'Purple' garden, which is on one of the roofs on campus. I always see it when we drive over the bridge.
  • I want to go to Potch Liggies, but with someone special or great friends (view where you see the city lights)
  • I want to go on an adventure with my friends.
  • Dress silly and go and eat in the Draak (Our campus restaurant/bar)
  • I want to go and eat at all the dining halls.
  • I want to see what is behind the random doors on campus
  • I want to go and watch a rugby game with my dad.
  • I want to go to a spa therapy with my mom
  • I want to dress up silly with my baby sister and go out to a mall or something.
If I think of anything else, I will gladly share them afterwards... What is on your bucket list?

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