Friday, November 22, 2013

Bullying never stops

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen

The wall of love in Paris, France.

Even as a 20 year old, I still experience bullying from people who believe they are better than the rest.

I stutter when I am stressed or in difficult situations. When I was in primary school, kids used to tease and bully me. The teachers came to my rescue and told the kids to stop.
But how long can teachers fend for a kid?

Looking back, I should've stood up for myself and not have been ashamed of stuttering. I should have ignored them or laughed at them for teasing me, because they are pathetic.

Bullying still happens. It happens in the form of seniors trying to degrade the self worth of first year students, through initiation in the hostel. It is absolutely disgusting and sad that they would lower themselves to that level. When I was a first year, the House Committee teased me because I stuttered. I had a little chat with them and they stopped.

What gain does one get to be the bully? Do you feel better about your sad life? Does it boost your self image? I will never understand it.

I believe if you consider yourself a good person, you should never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up.

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