Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sending letters

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen

Yesterday, I had sent my first handwritten letter! Francois Maritz has come up with this idea and I think it is wonderful.

My first letter
This is about feeling the pen and paper, licking the envelope to close it, about using postage stamps. We are experiencing the true feeling of writing again. If you are in South-Africa and would like to join this pen pal group, you can email me at and I will fill you in on all the details!


Karen du Toit said...

Who gets the letters?

Unknown said...

Oh yes, writing letters with a REAL pen is FUN. I send inspirational letters to people I don't even know, sometimes I get replies, sometimes I don't but it's okay. It wasn't a 'love letter' just some nice words to make them feel better :^)

Millenium Lady said...

@Karen-The people who want to participate. They let us know and then we start writing letters to them, which they can reply to. I have sent my first letter to Francois Maritz, who came up with the idea.

@Mauruschka- it is a very nice gesture.