Monday, December 2, 2013

How to deal with bullies

By Arnia Kiara Oosthuizen
Baby sis and I.
Bullying never stops, no matter what age you are, if your in a creche or at a workplace. Bullying never stops.

My 5 year old sister told me the other day that there are boys at her daycare, who bully her. I remember being that age and being bullied. The best way to deal with boys at that age is to pretend that you are going to kiss them. Run after them screaming "Kissing touchers!!!"

Another thing that also helps, is to IGNORE them. Obviously they are looking for a reaction and when they do not get the wanted attention, they will move on. When they are trying to bully you, look at them, but right through them, like they simply don't exist.

Unfortunately, it does not stop when we are older to 5. There are always power seekers and people trying to control you through fear. Dealing with them when you are older is not as easy as pretending that you are going to kiss them.

I still try to ignore the bullies and it works for a while, until they get bored again. Sometimes, when the bullying gets bad, you can report it to an higher authority to handle the situation.

BUT NEVER, EVER BECOME A BULLY!!!!!! Two wrongs do not make a right, EVER!

Also, read my posts Bullying never stops and What is abuse?

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